April 25, 2024
Cosmik Battle Marketplace

Last updated: March 13th 2024

Ahoy cadet, or should I say pilot now? I don’t think so, you still need to learn how to buy items in the marketplace. But before that, I will teach you about ETH. Wondering what ETH is? The Cosmik Marketplace operates on Muster, Cometh Corp’s proprietary chain. Muster is a Layer 3 solution built on Arbitrum, which in turn is based on the Layer 1 Ethereum. ETH serves as the native token of Ethereum and the standard currency utilized within the Cosmik Marketplace.


The easiest way to get ETH on your wallet is to buy it directly from our Marketplace. This is straight forward, follow-me!

  • Log-in.
  • Click on "Fill your Wallet" at the top right of your screen.
  • A new screen will appear giving you 3 choices: buying 0.01 ETH / 0/02 ETH or the mount of your choice.
  • You can buy ETH using Euro € or US Dollar $ as the reference currency.
  • Choose the amount of ETH you would like to purchase.
  • A pop-up opens, choose the payment method of your choice and follow the process ;)


You have ETH on another wallet and would like to use it to fill your Smart Wallet, no problem pilot we got you covered but you will have to follow several steps very carefully. The process is as follows:

  • Get ETH in an external wallet on the Arbitrum network
  • Bridge the ETH from Arbitrum to Cometh’s network Muster
  • Transfer the ETH from your external wallet to your Cosmik Wallet

Before we proceed, please be aware that for the purpose of this demonstration, we will be working with Metamask as the external wallet but you can use any other EVM compatible wallet. Please make sure you go through all steps of this workshop and to verify that everything works with your own setup before proceeding with ETH migration. Cometh Corp will not be held responsible for any lost tokens; pilots bear full responsibility for their actions.


If you already possess an EVM-compatible wallet, proceed directly to step 2. If you don't have an external wallet yet, Cometh Corp suggests installing Metamask. Simply visit and follow their guidance through the wallet creation process. >> When you are all set, move on to step 2.


You now need to get ETH in your wallet and on the Arbitrum Network. Pilots who are unfamiliar with wallets should understand that tokens stored within wallets can be designated to different types of networks and cannot be transferred from one network to another without an action from the owner.

If you already have ETH on Arbitrum in your external wallet, then skip this part. If you don't, follow these instructions:

  • I already have ETH in my external wallet but they are not on Arbitrum

If you already possess ETH and wish to utilize some of it to purchase items in the marketplace, you simply need to follow two straightforward steps:

- Add the Arbitrum Network to your wallet

Arbitrum may not be automatically set up as a default network in your external wallet. Adding Arbitrum to your list of networks can vary depending on the type of external wallet you possess, but it typically requires just a few clicks. For Metamask users, a simple guide is available HERE.

Once you access the Add Network page, simply add Arbitrum One to your list of network. Your external wallets can now store assets on Arbitrum. If, for any reason, you're unable to directly add the Arbitrum network, you can alternatively add the network manually. You'll find all the necessary information about Arbitrum HERE.

- Send ETH to Arbitrum from another network

To send your ETH to another network, you need to perform what is called a “bridge”.

Step 1 : Navigate to, and make sure your wallet is connected. Select the account that contains the ETH you want to bridge to Arbitrum.

Step 2 : Select the network where your ETH are stored and choose ETH underneath 'You send':

Step 3 : Select the destination network : Arbitrum

Step 4 : Then simply select ETH as the token you want to receive. This should look like this

Step 5 : Click 'Approve token' or 'Confirm' to proceed.

For more information about Token Bridge in Metamask, please visit Metamask's support page.

  • I already have ETH in my external wallet but they are not on Arbitrum

External wallets enable you to purchase tokens directly and select the network where you want them to be stored. Experienced pilots with advanced technical skills are familiar with purchasing tokens and often have their preferred platforms. However, for beginners, we highly recommend using the interface of your external wallet for a smooth purchasing experience. Although fees may be slightly higher than on other platforms, it is the simplest method.

Step 1 : Visit and connect to your wallet.

Step 2 : Set your coordinates to “BUY” then let yourself be guided as you will choose your region and preferred payment method.

Step 3 : You will arrive at a module where you can specify the amount and the token you wish to purchase, along with payment options featuring real-time price estimates, including gas fees (gas fees are the nominal price you must pay to execute the transaction).

Step 4 : Stay vigilant here. If you want to buy ETH on Arbitrum, you need to buy ETH that is on the Arbitrum network. Click on token / Select the Arbitrum Network and then search for Ether. Below is what you need to purchase:

You’re all set, proceed with the payment with the service provider of your choice.


  • Sending ETH to Muster

Owning ETH on Arbitrum is not enough, you need now to bridge (=Send) your ETH from Arbitrum to Muster, the network on which the marketplace is deployed.

Step 1 : visit

Step2 : Connect the wallet containing the ETH you wish to bridge.

Step 3 : Select "Arbitrum One" in the "FROM" section, and "Muster Network" in the "TO" section. Then, determine the amount of ETH you wish to send. An estimate of the gas fees for the transaction can be viewed at the bottom of the module.

Step 5 : Confirm the operation and click on “Move funds to Muster Network”. The process can take a few minutes, be patient!

  • Seeing your assets on Muster

You can see the assets you own on Muster by simply adding Muster to your list of network. This is super easy.

Step 1 : Visit

Step 2 : Click on “Connect Wallet” and select the external wallet you want to use.

Step 2 bis: If muster isn't added automatically as a network in your wallet after you connected your wallet, another option is available at the bottom of the page.

Step 3 : Follow the flow. The Muster network will automatically be added to your network list for this very wallet.

Muster has been added to your network you can see what your external wallet own on Muster by selecting the Muster network in the network selection


At this point you have:

  • ETH in your external wallet on the Muster Network.
  • Successfully included Muster in the network list of your external wallet.

From here on out, the process will be simple. Every EVM-compatible wallet comes with a "Send/Receive" feature, allowing you to transfer assets between various wallets, provided they exist on the same network. If they don't, you may need to initiate a bridge process. However, if you've followed all the preceding steps, there's no need to concern yourself with this.

Here is the process to follow:

Step 1 : Open your Wallet plug-in

Step 2 : Select the Network Muster

Step 3 : You should see the ETH you own on the network

Step 4 : Click on “Send”, you should end up on this page. At this point, you need to enter the wallet address of your Cosmik Wallet

The wallet address of your Cosmik Wallet can be found in your marketplace profile. 

Step 5 : Copy / paste the wallet address in the “Send To” entry and confirm the operation. It can take a few minutes for the ETH to arrive in your Cosmik wallet, please be patient here.

Here you go! You now have ETH on your Cosmik wallet and can start trading!



All right pilot, it’s showtime! Let’s buy your first card. See that “Infection” card? I love this one. Let’s click on it to get more details about it.

This card has been put for sale by a fellow pilot. The seller can be identified by their Cosmik Wallet address that you see under “Listed by”. You can also see the price the seller is asking for this one, 0,0002 ETH that’s not bad! Alright let’s buy this thing.

Step 1 : Click on “BUY NOW”

Step 2 : A new screen appears to confirm the operation (we want to make sure you do not buy Digital Collectibles by mistake). Click on ‘BUY NOW”

Step 3 : Your computer system should prompt you to input your password or confirm using your fingerprint. This is standard procedure. As mentioned earlier, the Cosmik Marketplace has stored an access key on your device. This not only designates the device as the primary access point for the marketplace but also acts as a safeguard when conducting critical transactions or operations with your Cosmik Account.

The operation has been confirmed, and the card is now in your possession. You can now view the card in your Cosmik Marketplace profile and utilize it within Cosmik Battle!

It’s time for your to fly solo but if you want to learn even more, stay with me. I would like to show you how to make an offer.



As a master trader, you're always on the lookout for the golden opportunity. That's why Cometh Corp enables you to make offers on Digital Collectibles, regardless of whether they are listed for sale or not. Before we proceed, let's discuss WETH, shall we?


You might be curious as to why you would require WETH when we previously mentioned that you would need ETH for transactions. This is because the scenario is slightly different when making and receiving offers; in those cases, WETH is utilized as the currency. WETH stands for Wrapped ETH. Unlike ETH, which is a coin, WETH is a contract representing the coin ETH.

Keep in mind 1 WETH = 1ETH

You do not need to concern yourself with the specifics; you only need to grasp the implication of this distinction:

  • Coins can only be transferred if you initiate the transfer; they cannot be transferred if someone else initiates it.
  • Contracts, on the other hand, can be transferred when someone else initiates the transfer.

Simply put, you can use ETH when purchasing an item listed for sale, but you cannot use it when making offers. When you make an offer, you're not initiating a transfer, you're proposing a deal that the other party can choose to accept or decline. If the other party accepts the offer, the transaction is considered initiated on their end, and only WETH can be used in this scenario. To summarize:

  • Buying items listed for sale: USE ETH
  • Making offers on items: USE WETH

So how can I get WETH, super easy. Click on “Account” / “Convert Wrapped ETH” / Convert the amount of tokens you need. You can convert ETH to WETH and WETH to ETH in a few clicks.


Let's create an offer together. I saw this Twisted Space that I would love to put in one of my deck but unfortunately, the owner is not selling it. I’m gonna take my chance anyway.

Step 1 : Upon clicking "Make an offer," a module will appear to establish the offer price. The currency displayed here is in ETH, which is the anticipated behavior; however, the final offer will be submitted in WETH (recall that 1 ETH = 1 WETH). Choose your desired price and then click on "Make Offer."

Step 2 : A new pop-up will appear, guiding you through the offer confirmation. Since we don't have WETH in our account, the Marketplace will automatically prompt us to convert your ETH to WETH. Throughout various stages of this process, your computer system will prompt you to enter your password or use your fingerprint (depending on your system settings). This is standard procedure, don't be scared cadet.

Congrats! You've successfully placed an offer on this exquisite card. You can view the best offer related to the card on its page. If you were strategic and made the top offer, yours will be displayed there. Do you grasp the significance? Other pilots may outbid you, so it's crucial to monitor your offers closely.

To learn more about the marketplace:



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